Evaluation of LIP researchers
- Substitution of one evaluation committee member in 2024, approved by the SC board (email from 21.06.2024)
List of researchers and evaluation committees in 2024, approved by the C4 in 18.06.2024
- Substitution of one evaluation committee member in 2023, approved by the C4 (email from 06.05.2023)
List of researchers and evaluation committees in 2023, approved by the C4 in 01.03.2023
Substitution of evaluation committee members in 2022, approved electronically by the C4 in 16-17.05.2022
List of researchers and evaluation committees in 2022, approved by the C4 in 21.03.2022
Template for the researcher summary and template for the evaluation panel report, approved electronically by the SC in 17-18.02.2022
Guidelines for the evaluation of LIP researchers in 2022-2024 approved electronically by the SC in 17-18.02.2022
Global report on the evaluation of LIP researchers in 2021, by the SC board in 14.04.2023
List of researchers and evaluation committees in 2021, approved by the C4 in 02.02.2021
Global report on the evaluation of LIP researchers in 2020, by the SC board in 02.11.2021
List of researchers and evaluation committees in 2020, approved by the C4 in 27.04.2020
Global report on the evaluation of LIP researchers in 2019, by the SC board in 13.07.2020
List of evaluation committees in 2019, approved by the C4 in 19.06.2019
List of researchers to be assessed in 2019, approved by the C4 in 10.04.2019
Guidelines for the constitution of the evaluation committees, approved by the C4 in 10.04.2019
Linhas de Orientação para a Avaliação dos Investigadores, approved by the SC in 20.12.2018
Minutes of electoral acts
Minutes of the C4 constitution, January 2024
Minutes of the SC board election, November 2023
Minutes of the C4 constitution, January 2022
Minutes of the SC board election, November 2021
Minutes of the C4 constitution, January 2020
Minutes of the SC board election, November 2019
Minutes of the C4 constitution, March 2018
Minutes of the SC board election, February 2018
Minutes of the C4 meetings
- C4 meeting of 21.03.2022
Minutes of the SC plenary meetings
SC plenary meeting of 19.12.2024 (to be approved)
Proposals voted by the C4
Proposal for the dissolution of the HADES group, approved by the C4 in 21.11.2024
Proposal for a new group: Future Circular Collider group (FCC), approved by the C4 in 21.03.2022
Proposal for the integration of the Advanced Computing group in the Distributed Computing and Digital Infrastructures group, approved by the C4 in 21.03.2022
Proposal for LIP joining the SND@LHC Collaboration, approved by the C4 in 19.07.2021
Proposal about Internal Strategy Review of the LIP groups, approved by the C4 in 16.10.2020
Proposal to re-organize the LIP indico pages, approved by the C4 in 29.06.2020
Proposal for LIP referencing of public scientific documentation, approved by the C4 in 27.02.2020
Proposal for a new group: Social Physics and Complexity group (SPAC), approved by the C4 in 27.02.2020
Proposta de fusão dos grupos RPC-PET e RPC R&D, approved by the C4 in 25.10.2018
Proposals voted by the SC plenary
Promoções na Carreira de Investigação Científica do LIP no triénio 2023-2025, approved by the SC in 20.12.2022
Plano estratégico (2023-2025) de abertura de concursos de entrada no Quadro de Investigação do LIP, approved by the SC in 20.12.2022
Proposal on adding Art. 9.8.c to the SC regulations, approved electronically by the SC in 31.03.2022-01.04.2022
Proposal to change the SC regulations, guidelines for the evaluation of LIP researchers, template for the researcher summary and template for the evaluation panel report, approved (see the minutes for details on modifications to the proposals and dissaprovals) by the SC in 20.12.2021, in 07.02.2022 and electronically in 17-18.02.2022
Proposal for LIP participation in the COMPASS++/AMBER experiment at CERN, approved by the SC in 21.12.2020
Proposta de alterações ao Art. 4º do Regulamento do CC, approved electronically by the SC in 16.09.2020
Proposal for a new group: NPStrong, approved by the SC in 19.12.2019
Proposal to change the name of the SNO+ group to Neutrino Physics, approved by the SC in 19.12.2019
Proposta de alteração do Art. 9 (Avaliação dos Investigadores) do regulamento do CC, approved by the SC in 20.12.2018
Proposta de junção do grupo NEXT (linha dos Neutrinos) no grupo Gas Detectors R&D (linha dos Detectores) (pages 2-3), approved by the SC in 20.12.2018
Proposta para os próximos passos da implementação da avaliação dos investigadores do LIP (pages 5-6), approved by the SC in 05.05.2018
Proposal for LIP to join the DUNE collaboration, approved by the SC in 05.05.2018
Proposta de novo grupo: SHIP, approved by the SC in 05.05.2018 (pages 3-4)
Proposta de alterações Art. 7 e 9 do Regulamento do CC, approved electronically by the SC in 16.02.2018
Proposta de criação do grupo de investigação Fenomenologia e de dissolução dos grupos LHC Phenomenology e HIP, approved by the SC in 30.01.2018
Statements by the C4
Statement on the proposal for committees for ordinary hiring of researchers, approved by the C4 in 12.03.2021. The final version of the document is available here (email from 12.03.2021)
Statement on the proposal for extraordinary hiring of researchers, approved by the C4 in 17.02.2021. The final version of the document is available here (email from 19.05.2022)
Statements by the SC board
(available upon request)
Parecer sobre o Plano (2023-2025) de abertura de concursos de promoção de investigadores do Quadro de Investigação do LIP, by the SC board in 21.03.2022
Parecer sobre a Constituição da comissão de ética aplicada à investigação no LIP, by the SC board in 16.03.2022
Parecer sobre o Plano estratégico (2022-2025) de abertura de concursos de entrada no Quadro de Investigação do LIP, by the SC board in 17.02.2022
Parecer sobre o Código de Conduta para a Prevenção e Combate ao Assédio no Trabalho, by the SC board in 03.12.2021
Parecer sobre a Proposta de criação da carreira científica-técnica no LIP, by the SC board in 03.12.2021
Statements by the SC plenary
Parecer sobre a proposta para Integração do LIP na Rede Internacional GENERA, approved by the SC in 05.05.2018