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Pilot Project at Lousal

A first goal is to install a RPC based Muon Telescope at the Lousal Ciência Viva center, and operate it remotely, 30 meters underground in a (non-active) mine environment, and exposed to visitors and even some bats.

With this prototype we aim at mapping the gallery and accesses and, later, try to distinguish different rock types/densities around it. The primary location will be chosen to maximize the contrasts and features that we aim at identifying.

The muon data should be complemented by external information on topography, for example and will later be compared and combined with measurements by other methods. The final result should be obtained by common inversion of gravimetry and muography data.

Being at a Ciência Viva center, the detector should be accompanied by an explanation of what and how it is measuring muons and of the final goals of the project; if possible, the telescope should have some display of the data as it is collected. Ideally we'd join other displays, like a muon spark chamber.

Visit to the Lousal Mine in 2018-07-26 (Photos)

General info on Lousal

Technical info on Lousal

  • plans for Lousal
  • longer term plans

Tomography: detector and results

Proposal of poster/folheto (version 1, for comments 8th Mar. 2019)

posterLouMu.png folhetoLouMu.png

Proposal of poster/flyer (version 0, for comments Dec. 2018)

flyer1.png flyer2.png

Aproveitar os temas sublinhados para palestras no Lousal??

- Raios Cósmicos, mensageiros do Universo

  • - Muões, e outros primos dos electrões - Mapear minas e estruturas geológicas - Gravimetria? - Radioactividade? - Ver o invisivel: detetares de partículas - Tomografia muónica - dos raios cósmicos à mina do Lousal


  • - apontar nos mesmos dias visitas dedicadas ao Lousal? - apontar algo mais longo para Ciência Viva no Verão

Começar a preparar webpage com dados e pensar actividades para escolas??


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