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B2015 Simulation Challenge files @ LIP

  • Offline tag v2r8-blacktank-experimental

  • Output in Offline and ADST format.

  • Files at :


  • To synchronize files in LUSTRE with the server in FZK (beyond.fzk.de), run sync.csh in DIR. Once connected to the server provide the usual password for auger.

Fixed energy and zenith angle

  • Primary : Proton, Helium, Nitrogen, Iron
  • Model : QGSjetII04, Epos
  • Log(E/eV) : 19.000,19.800 (*)

  • theta/deg : 38.000 (**) - Simulations @ 52.0 and 21.0 to come...

  • Files at :
    • DIR/B2015FixedETprimarymodel_grxxx_B2015v2r8/en*/th**

Continuum energy and zenith angle

  • Primary : Proton, Helium, Nitrogen, Iron
  • Model : QGSjetII04
  • Energy distribution flat in Log(E)
  • Log(E/eV) : [18.85,19.1], [19.6,19.8]
  • theta/deg : [0,60]
  • Files at :
    • DIR/B2015primarymodel_grxxx_B2015v2r8/en18.850/th0.60