Locked History Actions

Diff for "Computing/LIP_Lisbon_Farm/3_Data_Management"

Differences between revisions 35 and 36
Revision 35 as of 2021-02-19 19:58:52
Size: 6033
Editor: martinsj
Revision 36 as of 2024-03-07 11:37:09
Size: 4925
Editor: martinsj
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 28: Line 28:
se16:/exports/advcmpt /home/advcmpt Advance Computing
se16:/ams /home/ams Alpha Magnetic Spectromete
se16:/comp /home/comp COMPASS and AMBER
se16:/cosmo /home/cosmo AUGER
se16:/csys /home/csys CSYS
se16:/exports/dm /home/dm Dark Matter
se16:/feno /home/feno Phenomenology
se16:/exports/hip /home/hip Phenomenology
se16:/exports/iastro /home/iastro Space Instrumentation for Astrophysics
se16:/exports/lattes /home/lattes Gamma Observatory in the Southern Hemisphere
se16:/exports/medica /home/medica Dosimetry and Biomedic Applications
se16:/exports/nps /home/nps Nuclear Physics and Strong Interaction
se16:/nucria /home/nucria Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics
se16:/pet /home/pet PET
se16:/exports/ship /home/ship Search for Hidden Particles
se16:/sno /home/sno Neutrino Physics
se16:/exports/spac /home/spac Social Physics and Complexity
se16:/exports/space /home/space Space Radiation Environment and Effects
se16:/t3atlas /home/t3atlas ATLAS experiment at CERN
se16:/t3cms /home/t3cms CMS experiment at CERN
se63:/user /user LIP groups
Line 56: Line 37:
se17:/x /x ATLAS data se34:/sno /n/sno SNO+ data
se51:/sno /s/sno SNO+ data
Line 70: Line 52:
mdt10@tcp:/atlasloc /lstore/atlas ATLAS Coimbra
Line 78: Line 59:
mds22@tcp:/titan /lstore/titan ATLAS
mds-feno@tcp:/feno /lstore/feno Phenomenology
mds-share@tcp:/share /share Shared with Atlas, Auger, CMS, Compass, NUCRIA, SPAC and SWGO

File systems available

  • The users have at there disposal three types of filesystem:
    • A common NFS filesystem for homes not shared with workernodes

    • A lustre filesystem for some groups shared filesystem with the workernodes

    • A CVMFS read-only filesystem for software provision

  • Groups involved in WLCG transfer data using grid technologies can also use the Tier-3 storage areas and dedicated software areas (CVMFS) made available by there communities.

Access Policy

  • By default both lustre and nfs individual group areas can be accessed (read only) by users of the same group.

Directories and filesystems

The pauli machines provide a wide set of filesystems so that users can access their data and applications.

NFS Home directories

Users home mounts are not shared with workernodes, they can be found only on submission nodes:

FILESYSTEM            MOUNTED ON            SCOPE
se63:/user            /user                 LIP groups

NFS Data directories

Projects specific data NFS mounts are not shared with workernodes and are found only on submission nodes:

FILESYSTEM            MOUNTED ON            SCOPE
se34:/sno             /n/sno                SNO+ data
se51:/sno             /s/sno                SNO+ data
se27:/ams             /z/ams                AMS data
se27:/comp            /z/comp               COMPASS data

LUSTRE Data directories

Projects specific data LUSTRE mounts are shared with workernodes:

FILESYSTEM            MOUNTED ON            SCOPE
mdt02@tcp:/t3atlas    /gstore/t3atlas       ATLAS Tier-3
mdt02@tcp:/T3CMS      /gstore/t3cms         CMS Tier-3
mdt04@tcp:/auger      /lstore/auger         AUGER
mdt04@tcp:/calo       /lstore/calo          ATLAS Lisboa
mdt02@tcp:/cmslocal   /lstore/cms           CMS
mdt03@tcp:/comp       /lstore/comp          COMP
mdt04@tcp:/lattes     /lstore/lattes        LATTES
mdt04@tcp:/nucria     /lstore/nucria        NUCRIA
mdt04@tcp:/pet        /lstore/pet           PET
mdt10@tcp:/sno        /lstore/sno           SNO PLUS
mds22@tcp:/titan      /lstore/titan         ATLAS
mds-feno@tcp:/feno    /lstore/feno          Phenomenology
mds-share@tcp:/share  /share                Shared with Atlas, Auger, CMS, Compass, NUCRIA, SPAC and SWGO

CVMFS Software provision

The CVMFS is a read-only filesystem with cache local to clients optimal for software provision:

FILESYSTEM            MOUNTED ON            SCOPE
cvmfs2                /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch    CMS VO
cvmfs2                /cvmfs/atlas.cern.ch  ATLAS VO
cvmfs2                /cvmfs/sw.el7         LIP

Important Disclaimer

  • Manipulating huge sets of small files generates performance degradation issues in /lustre due to the lock management. Therefore, you should not
    • Compile anything under /lustre

    • Store and access databases under /lustre

Access your data by SSHFS

Install sshfs package

On Ubuntu/debian:

# sudo apt-get install sshfs

On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora:

# sudo yum install fuse-sshfs

Create a local directory

# mkdir ~/homeNCG

Mount your remote folder

# sshfs martinsj@fermi.ncg.ingrid.pt: ~/homeNCG

When you're done, you can unmount it

# fusermount -u ~/homeNCG

.bashrc tunning

In case you're dealing with very long paths, as a suggestion, you can add to your ~/.bashrc file the following:

alias mfermi='f(){ dir=$1 ; [ -n "$dir" ] || dir=homeNCG ; [ -d ~/$dir ] || mkdir -p ~/$dir ; sshfs fermi.ncg.ingrid.pt: ~/$dir ;  unset -f f; }; f'
alias ufermi='f(){ dir=$1 ; [ -n "$dir" ] || dir=homeNCG ; [ -d ~/$dir ] && fusermount -u ~/$dir ; [ -d ~/$dir ] && rmdir ~/$dir ;  unset -f f; }; f'

alias mncg='f(){ dir=$1 ; [ -n "$dir" ] && ldir=`basename $dir` ; [ -d ~/$ldir ] || mkdir -p ~/$ldir ; [ -n "$dir$ldir" ] && sshfs fermi.ncg.ingrid.pt:$dir ~/$ldir ;  unset -f f; }; f'
alias uncg='f(){ dir=$1 ; [ -n "$dir" ] && ldir=`basename $dir` ; ldir=`echo $ldir ; [ -d ~/$ldir ] && fusermount -u ~/$ldir ; [ -d ~/$ldir ] && rmdir ~/$ldir ;  unset -f f; }; f'

alias mcalo='f(){ [ -d lcalo ] || mkdir ~/lcalo ; sshfs fermi.ncg.ingrid.pt:/lstore/calo ~/lcalo ;  unset -f f; }; f'
alias ucalo='f(){ [ -d ~/lcalo ] && fusermount -u ~/lcalo ; [ -d ~/$ldir ] && rmdir ~/lcalo ;  unset -f f; }; f'

This is how you can use it:

$ mfermi homeNCG
$ df
Filesystem           1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
fermi.ncg.ingrid.pt: 209612800 3504112 206108688   2%
$ ufermi homeNCG

$ mncg /lstore/calo
$ uncg /lstore/calo