Página para guardar instruções, slides de apoio, etc
Tutorial sobre instalação e teste do software de COMPASS (TGEANT, CORAL e PHAST): tutorial.pdf
Sobre mudanças de referencial: analise_Jpsi_referenciais.pdf, For_students_about_reference_frames.pdf
sobre validação do trigger dimuão: For_students_about_trigger_val.pdf
Algumas informações genéricas sobre COMPASS: compass_imagens.pdf
AMBER master thesis, Optimisation studies for the pion-induced Drell-Yan measurement at the AMBER experiment, Rita Silva, 11/2022: Rita_de_Sousa_Ataide_da_Silva_master_thesis.pdf
AMBER poster, Jornadas LIP 2020, Rita Silva, 02/2020: AMBER_poster.pdf
AMBER poster, Jornadas LIP 2022, Rita Silva e Guilherme Almeida, 07/2022: AMBER_poster_2022.pdf
Physics simulations for the AMBER experiment, Rita Silva, 10/2019: LIP-STUDENTS-19-04.pdf
What are nucleons made of, Guilherme Almeida e Pedro Tomé, 11/2021: LIP-STUDENTS-21-35.pdf
J/psi analysis from COMPASS data, Catarina Corte-Real e Francisco Feliciano, 10/2020: LIP-STUDENTS-20-05.pdf
Kaon identification using neural networks in COMPASS and AMBER, Guilherme Amaral, 10/2022: LIP-STUDENTS-22-28-PQCD.pdf
The combinatorial background of muon pairs in COMPASS, Tiago Alexandre e Francesco Vagge, 10/2023: LIP-STUDENTS-23-11-PQCD.pdf
The hidden charm in the COMPASS experiment at CERN, Bárbara Pereira, 10/2023: LIP-STUDENTS-23-10-PQCD.pdf