## page was renamed from Projectos/AUGER/SIM_B2015_Old ## page was renamed from Projectos/AUGER/SIM_B2015Old = Old B2015 MARTA Offline Simulations @ LIP = Page under construction... === Scroll down for info on reconstruction files === ---- == Simulation files == * Put here info about simulation @ GRID (Corsika version, etc) * Offline tag [[Projectos/AUGER/OfflineSW | B2015-MARTA-v1]] * Output in '''Offline''' format. === Fixed energy and zenith angle === * Primary : Proton, Iron * Log(E/eV) : 17.500,17.750,18.000,18.250,18.500,18.750,19.000,19.250,19.500,19.800 ('''*''') * theta/deg : 0.000, 21.000, 30.000, 38.000, 45.000, 52.000 ('''**''') * Files at : '''/lustre/lip.pt/data/cosmo/auger/Sim/MARTA/OfflineSim/beyond2015-old/''Primary''/en*/th**''' === Continuum energy and zenith angle === * Primary : Proton, Helium, Nitrogen, Silicon, Iron * Energy distribution flat in Log(E) * Log(E/eV) : [18.9,19.1], [19.6,19.8] * theta/deg : [0,60] * Files at : '''/lustre/lip.pt/data/cosmo/auger/Sim/MARTA/OfflineSim/beyond2015-old/''Primary''/en18.900/th0.60''' <
> '''/lustre/lip.pt/data/cosmo/auger/Sim/MARTA/OfflineSim/beyond2015-old/''Primary''/en19.600/th0.60''' ---- == Reconstruction files == * Offline tag [[Projectos/AUGER/OfflineSW | B2015-MARTA-v2]] * Produced with code in '''/home/cosmo/auger/farm/Offline/MARTAReconstruction''' <
> (snapshot in /lustre/auger/cosmo/auger/Sim/MARTA/OfflineRec/Beyond2015-old/program.tar.gz) * Output in '''Offline''', '''ADST''' and '''MARTATree''' format. === Fixed energy and zenith angle === * Primary : Proton, Iron * Log(E/eV) : 19.000,19.250,19.500,19.800 ('''*''') * theta/deg : 0.000, 21.000, 30.000, 38.000, 45.000, 52.000 ('''**''') * Files at : '''/lustre/lip.pt/data/cosmo/auger/Sim/MARTA/OfflineRec/Beyond2015-old/''Primary''/en*/th**''' === Continuum energy and zenith angle === * Primary : Proton, Helium, Nitrogen, Silicon, Iron * Energy distribution flat in Log(E) * Log(E/eV) : [18.9,19.1], [19.6,19.8] * theta/deg : [0,60] * Files at : '''/lustre/lip.pt/data/cosmo/auger/Sim/MARTA/OfflineRec/Beyond2015-old/''Primary''/en18.900/th0.60''' <
> '''/lustre/lip.pt/data/cosmo/auger/Sim/MARTA/OfflineRec/Beyond2015-old/''Primary''/en19.600/th0.60'''