#acl AugerGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin All:read = Preprocessing Sotfware and Tree Definition = ===== Description ===== Data comes from Malargue and arrives at Lustre in <
> /lustre/auger/cosmo/auger/Data/MARTA/GianniNavarra/RAW For each run there is a directory in the style <
> R- Inside each RunDir there is: * a .txt containing data from MARTA * a dir containing data from the tank A preprocessing software is used to analyse this data and produce trees. ==== Tank Tree ==== This tree contains data from the tank preprocessed. Once this tree is done there should be no need to read the RAW data from the tank anymore. Per event we should have: * Tank ID * Tank Timestamp * Tank trace (a vector containing the trace) * Tank charge * Tank Amplitude * Tank baseline (?) ==== Marta Tree ==== This tree contains data from MARTA preprocessed. Once this tree is done there should be no need to read the MARTA RAW data anymore. Per event we should have: * MARTA ID * MARTA timestamp * MARTA active pads ==== TM tree ==== This tree contains data from MARTA and tank ALIGNED. This tree can be constructed from the preprocessed trees by aligning the events (timestamp comparison). And we should probably not need the trace of the tank but we might want it (?) Per event we should have: * ID * Timestamp * (?) Tank trace (a vector containing the trace) * Tank charge * Tank Amplitude * Tank baseline (?) * MARTA active pads