## page was renamed from Computing/LIP_Lisbon_Farm/Software_Management == Software management == * The login machines are installed with a wide set of software that can be uploaded on demand. * Different software stacks can be managed by the user through the '''Module''' application. This software initiates the appropriate environment (''PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.''), and is a convenient tool for software transitions. * The main commands are: * Query available software modules: ''' module avail ''' * Load a given software module: ''' module load ''' * Unload a given software module: ''' module load ''' * List software in use : ''' module list ''' * Help on command module : ''' module help''' {{{ # List the available software module stacks $ module avail ----------- /software/sl6/Modules/modulefiles -------------- comp/gcc/openmpi/1.6.5 libs/cuba/3.1 libs/lhapdf progs/root/5.32.04 debug/totalview libs/fftw3 progs/cmake-2.8.12 progs/root/5.34.09 libs/clhep/ libs/geant/4.9.6 progs/mathlab/R2013b progs/xrootd/3.1.1 # Load the software module stack progs/root/5.34.09 $ module load progs/root/5.34.09 # List the current loaded software stacks $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) progs/root/5.34.09 # unload a given software module stack $ module unload progs/root/5.34.09 $ module list No Modulefiles Currently Loaded. }}} * Specific software for individual group should be installed at the /exper-sw/ areas. * WLCG groups (CMS and ATLAS) have the experiments software available at the CVMFS areas.