
Software management

# List the available software module stacks
$ module avail
----------- /software/sl6/Modules/modulefiles --------------
comp/gcc/openmpi/1.6.5 libs/cuba/3.1          libs/lhapdf            progs/root/5.32.04
debug/totalview        libs/fftw3             progs/cmake-2.8.12     progs/root/5.34.09
libs/clhep/     libs/geant/4.9.6       progs/mathlab/R2013b   progs/xrootd/3.1.1

# Load the software module stack progs/root/5.34.09
$ module load  progs/root/5.34.09

# List the current loaded software stacks
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) progs/root/5.34.09

# unload a given software module stack
$ module unload progs/root/5.34.09

$ module list
No Modulefiles Currently Loaded.
last edited 2021-02-21 14:23:32 by martinsj